Nov 26, 2021Liked by truthsleuth

Would it be safe to say just recently you would have had parents vaccinating younger children (even if the government has not "mandated" it. In Canada, where I live, there is a massive push right now to get young kids vaccinated. Looking at your chart it seems to indicate the child and teen numbers are aligning and this may be due to the same push. Many parents feel they have done their civic duty to get jabbed and now it will be there children to accept the same fate. I see parents all around me eager to get their kids into this absurd medical experiment. I wish Canada would also post similar data to what they are providing in the UK. Our health authority stat experts likely took the beginner excel class...

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Very interesting! Definitely something to watch.

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Nov 23, 2021Liked by truthsleuth

Those on the Glow Bull List and the Climate Cankers are cheering their success...

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Nov 23, 2021Liked by truthsleuth

Has there been a large rollout for vaccination in the 0-14 Yr cohort?

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Nov 16, 2021Liked by truthsleuth

Very interesting, thanks. Have you looked at whether a similar dynamic is occurring in other countries?

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